鋼彈seed eternity

Gundam Seed Eternity有位男士在飯店大廳,當他往櫃檯方向走去時,不小心撞到了一位女士,而且是手肘碰到了她的胸部,男士轉過身去說:「女士,如果妳的心跟妳的胸部一樣軟的話,妳一定會原諒我的。」女士回答說「如果你『那話兒』跟你的手肘一樣硬的話,我在1221號房。」電腦課,有個男生和鄰座女生講話,結果被老師罵老師:「做什麼?」男Forum RP Gundam Seed. Forum RP sur la suite de Gundam SEED. ... Qui est en ligne ? Nos membres ont posté un total de 744 messages Nous avons 23 membres enregistrés L'utilisateur enregistré le plus récent est PNJ...


Mobile Suit Gundam Seed (TV) - Anime News Network檸檬的功用 兵荒馬亂中,在樹林邊一個騎兵逮住一個正要躲藏的美麗修女 美麗修女經過一番掙 扎,還是難逃魔掌。 後來回到修道院,修女顫驚的對住持說: 「那可惡的男人很快 的捉住我,並剝光了我的衣服,把我丟進了枯草堆中... 住持,你說以後我再碰到這種事時Mobile Suit Gundam Seed - Grim Reality (DVD 1) 2004-08-10 (from $15.05) Mobile Suit Gundam Seed - Grim Reality + Artbox + CD Limited Edition (DVD 1) 2004-08-10 Mobile Suit Gundam Seed - Unexpected Meetings (DVD 2) 2004-10-12 Mobile Suit Gundam Seed - No R...


Gundam Wing Endless Waltz Part 3/3 (Return to Eternity) - YouTube當老闆問你,,今天忙不忙時,你怎麼回答呢?第一家公司老闆:小張,今天工作忙不忙?小張:不忙。下班時老闆對小張說:你明天不用來了。小張:為什麼?老闆:因為你不能多為公司幹事情,所以才會不忙,公司要你何用?-------------------------------------------------i do not own this video, all credit goes to SUNRISE and BANDAI :D this video is for entertainment purposes only .. OVA Ending Theme: "White Reflection" by TWO-MIX Movie Ending Theme "Last Impression" by TWO-MIX Summary: It is the year After Colony 196 and...


Gundam Seed Destiny Opening 1/T.M. Revolution-Ignited - YouTube早晨起得早,就出去跑了一會兒步。路過一家早點鋪,看見人很多,一想肯定做得不錯,於是就坐了下來要了一籠包子。正坐著等呢,一個老大媽牽著一隻小狗坐到了我的對面,這隻小狗很特別,長得小巧玲瓏,兩個耳朵尖尖地豎立著,活像一個「微縮」型的小鹿。 只見大媽對它說:「坐下,等著吃飯。」它還真聽話,老老實實地坐在地Translated Lyrics: When those soft fingers reach in the end, Only now, only you, won't that be all you can believe in? Everyone is breaking down, searching too long for a wish You're looking for a place where you can land Wounded, unable to stop shaking I...


Mobile Fighter G Gundam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia去年豬哥亮付出,開記者會,當有一位記著問請問在跑路時你有找謝金燕嗎?(他女兒)豬哥亮害羞低下頭沒回答過幾天記者又問為何上次問問題要害羞低下頭?豬哥亮回答誰叫你要問那麼害羞的問題問我跑路有沒有早洩經驗(找謝金燕)某天,經理上班時忘了拉拉鍊。女秘書看了說:經理,你的車庫門沒有關。經理說:那你一定看到我那Mobile Fighter G Gundam, also known in Japan as Mobile Fighting Legend G Gundam (機動武闘伝Gガンダム, Kidō Butōden Jī Gandamu?), is an animated television series produced by Sunrise. The series is set in the "Future Century", where space colonies representing coun...


Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia某日,在歷史課堂上, 老師:「何謂三不政策?」 學生:「不知道、不清楚、不要問我。」 師曰:「@$%^%@$#……」在非洲,有位不識字的老先生去考駕照,交通規則便改為口試。 主考官以流利的母語問老先生:「你開車遇到紅燈要怎樣?」 老先生回答他:「馬上停下來。」 主考官:「Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team (Japanese: 機動戦士ガンダム 第08MS小隊, Hepburn: Kidō Senshi Gandamu Dai Zerohachi Emu Esu Shōtai?) is an original video animation (OVA) anime series in the Gundam franchise. Released from January 25, 1996, to April 25, 1999, the...
