表定9月11日發表上市! 全新Nissan Altima Leaf
Gundam Wing Op 1 Creditless (HD) - YouTube在歷經1年多只聞樓梯響、不見人下來的揣測與傳聞期之後,裕隆日產終於在今年初的媒體記者會上鬆口公佈,表示全新第六代Altima與第二代Leaf電動車將於今年第三季導入販售。而經過這半年的時間後,包括Altima及Leaf的測試車已經多次被逮獲,甚至Altima也出現在5月份能源局油耗測試車款的名單之中Re-upload Disclaimer - *I do not own this, and this is not my work* All credits, audio, video and names are copyrights to the respective owners of the anime and song I do not Own Gundam Wing in anyway whatsoever Anime Relation: Gundam Wing (1995) Song: Ju...