Gundam Wing Op 1 Creditless (HD) - YouTube話說,現在很多人不管去哪,坐下來第一件事,就是連Wi-Fi, 這本是件再正常不過的事情了吧... 但是,最近,一幫英國人卻因為連Wi-Fi連出了問題... 22000個英國人,就因為連了個免費Wi-Fi,最後居然要去打掃音樂節的廁所,清除道路上的口香糖和公園Re-upload Disclaimer - *I do not own this, and this is not my work* All credits, audio, video and names are copyrights to the respective owners of the anime and song I do not Own Gundam Wing in anyway whatsoever Anime Relation: Gundam Wing (1995) Song: Ju...