水原希子 po 私處特寫照 遭 GD 粉絲狂譙:賤女人!
Gundam Wing Op 1 Creditless (HD) - YouTube 今年 24 歲的日本混血名模水原希子,在 Instagram 自曝私處照,一道虹光射在上面,並寫上「I’m in love with the rainbow」,在網路上引起軒然大波。 水原希子父親是美國人,母親是韓國人,10 歲時跟著家人移居到了日本,11 歲時父母離婚後Re-upload Disclaimer - *I do not own this, and this is not my work* All credits, audio, video and names are copyrights to the respective owners of the anime and song I do not Own Gundam Wing in anyway whatsoever Anime Relation: Gundam Wing (1995) Song: Ju...