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國立臺灣大學 管理學院 酒後人生!前身為1919年成立之台北高等商業學校,1946年改組為法商學院。1947併入台大法學院。1987年成立為管理學院。...


出發前 - 實用英文書信範例 - ApplyESL.com 嘿嘿 猜猜我是誰!?主題 Notice of Delayed Arrival Dear Sir or Madam: I was recently accepted to your Intensive English Program for the session beginning on September 1, 2004. I will not be able to attend your school’s first day of class on September 1 due to personal circumst...


Parsons School of Design 帕森設計學院 | MFA study 好痛!!Parsons School of Design帕森設計學院,1896 年成立,有兩英畝的校地在紐約市第七大道,共有1700多位學生,33位全職教師,總師生比約為1:15。...


關於住宿資料 - 實用英文書信範例 - ApplyESL.com 你用對了嘛!!? 主題 Request to Change Housing Option Dear Sir or Madam: I was recently accepted to your Intensive English Program for the session beginning on September 1, 2004. I selected a homestay as my preferred housing option. However, I was recently informed the ......


[SAIC] School of the Art Institute of Chicago芝加哥藝術學院 | MFA study 山寨版!!??School of the Art Institute of Chicago芝加哥藝術學院在1866 年成立,是美國聲望最高的私立藝術學院之一,著名美國女畫家Georgia ... Hsieh,我也申请这个专业,可是什么消息都还没有。。。好奇怪啊。而且我以前问admission的人,他说录取通知只会通过snail ......
