Blingee.com | A Creative Community for Fans, Photos and Fun 網友hunter787在批踢踢笨版PO文:(以下圖文取自PTT) [大哭] 媽 你為什麼要跟我說... 正文開始: 25年來,一直有一個小小的願望,不知道何時能達成呢?每次到了這樣寒冷的日子,冰凍的雙手總是無情在的加重孤獨感…. 本魯就是個宅宅,硬要說優點的話…應該只有A creative community for animated pictures and graphics. Use our free online photo editor to design animated art from celebrities to anime, fantasy, emo, and goth. Fans of any topic have fun entering competitions, finding new friends, winning badges, crea...