Tropic Thunder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 圖片轉自魯中網,Dcard下同 一名網友心血來潮詢問女友"被X在臉上是什麼感覺阿?" 結果女友神會一個動作,讓他說"我以後再也不會了!" 下文原文內容 結果女友在若有所思的表情之後 神反應做了這個動作! 這件事情引起網友一陣騷動 男女各持一派討論的好不激烈 甚至紛紛分享自己的經驗 「超內疚的」,「Tropic Thunder is a 2008 American satirical action comedy film co-written, produced, directed by, and co-starring Ben Stiller. The film also co-stars Robert Downey, Jr. and Jack Black. The main plot revolves around a group of prima donna actors who are ma...