Oriental Piano Sheet: Chinese Pop Piano Sheet 芭比是女孩小時候的好朋友,扮家家酒的遊戲中絕對少不了她。從以往到現在,芭比進化了不少;回頭看1970年代的她,雖然服裝時髦,但還是有些滑稽的地方。以下由BuzzFeed整理的70’s芭比目錄,一起來回顧吧! 1970年代的芭比目錄,有著粉紅色的封面,色彩繽紛的時髦感,在當時想必是非常熱NOTES: 1. credits to all the owners/creators of these sheets. sheets transcribed by me will be indicated. please do not alter these files in any way. 2. [RH] indicates sheets that have only chords for left hand. 3. CTRL + F would be a good tool. 4. OSTs w...