
Collective unconscious - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia偷情.跌倒.....哈哈哈有一個海邊的村落,村裡大部份男人時常出海很久不在家。村裡的女人幾乎每個人都有偷情,但在偷情後又會去找神父告解。過了一陣子後,神父建議那些女人:「以後我們把偷情這兩個字叫做跌倒,只要說『跌倒』我就知道了!」後來,老神父退休了,他走之前特別交代村長要把『跌倒』這兩個字的意思轉告Collective unconscious is a term of analytical psychology, coined by Carl Jung. It is proposed to be a part of the unconscious mind, expressed in humanity and all life forms with nervous systems, and describes how the structure of the psyche autonomously ...


collective unconscious - Dictionary.com - Free Online English Dictionary在無人的浴室裡,傳出陣陣的聊天聲。 『早知道就不要求上帝,說下輩子我想每天摸美女的頭髮!』梳子唉聲嘆道:『上輩子當個宅男就已經很不幸了!雖然這輩子可以每天撫摸美女的頭髮,但這不是我想要的。』 『是啊!我也一樣!早知道就不要要求說,想要每天和美女喇嘰(舌吻)!結果都是牙膏的味道,一點意思也沒有。』牙刷The ideas of both secret planes and flying saucers strike deep chords in the collective unconscious. There are things about human consciousness that can not be explained such as the collective unconscious. But it was the film's publicity, not the collecti...


The Archetypes and The Collective Unconscious (Collected Works of C.G. Jung Vol.9 Part 1): C. G. Jun阿美是一美麗的業餘攝影家,某日她在一海岸邊尋找攝影景點,遭一海防阿兵哥阻擋,並要將他抓起來,阿美辯稱:「我沒罪!我又沒現場拍照!」 阿兵哥回道:「可是妳帶著犯罪工具,就是有罪!」阿美突然大叫:「強姦啊!強姦啊!」 阿兵哥驚慌失措的說:「我沒有!我沒有!妳亂說!」阿美慢慢說道:「可"This book must be considered a fundamental work among Jung's writings and deserves to be read by Jungians and non-Jungians alike."-- American Journal of Psychotherapy Language Notes Text: English (translation) Original Language: German --This text refers...


Psychoanalysis of Myth - Carl G Jung - Collective unconscious有一對男女正在吃晚餐那個女生一直問那個男生:你愛不愛我 ?男生看了女生一眼又繼續吃晚餐女生很生氣又再問了一次:你愛不愛我?男生終於說:愛女生又問:那你要怎麼證明?忽然男生從口袋裡拿了三十元出來,且問女生 :你有沒有十元?女生拿了十元給了男生......男生就把四十元放在桌上過了一會兒 .....女生Collective unconscious. Psychoanalysis of Myth: Sigmund Freud's and Carl G. Jung's theories on the origin of gods, religion, and their myths. By Stefan Stenudd. ... This book presents an imaginative reading of the Tarot divination cards, which is the most...


Dirt (disambiguation) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia1、某君住店,夜半致電吧臺:最便宜的小姐多少錢? 答:“一百,但是醜哦,漂亮的五百。” 某君說要醜的。 小姐來後,某君讓其裸坐沙發,自去床上酣睡至天亮。 小姐不解問:“叫我來幹嗎?” 某君答:&ldquDirt is unclean matter. Dirt may also refer to: Soil, that is found on the ground Dirt, a blanket term for unclean matter....


集體潛意識英文 - 相關部落格在一家女裝店裡,一位年輕的先生枯坐著等待他太太試穿衣服。十五分鐘過去,他太太總共試穿了五套衣服,當他太太再度由更衣室出來時,他上下打量了太太一番後,說道:「很好,很好,這件衣服很合身,就買這件吧!」「親愛的,我們今天出門時,我穿的就是這件。」四個跨國際公司的高級主管一起打高爾夫球。在第三洞時,聽到電...
