45年的倫敦通勤記憶:想看盡倫敦地鐵,從「酒醉 情色」開始!
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek Quotes - 15 Science Quotes - Dictionary of Science Quotations and Scientist 倫敦攝影師 Bob Mazzer 從 60 年代末期開始自學攝影,過去 45 年來,身為倫敦地鐵的通勤者,他持續迷戀且探索著這個地方,橫跨70到80年代,每個回家的深夜,他穿梭在地鐵的黑暗與光明間,帶回一張張照片與難以抹滅的記憶。 Bob Mazzer 在 13 歲時拿到了第一Dutch biologist and microscopist who by skilled use of microscopy first discovered bacteria, protists, sperm cells. blood cells and many examples of structures in animal and plant tissues. His research was widely read and opened up a new frontier for scie...