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Purple Haze - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia為歡慶「可口可樂」經典「曲線瓶」100週年,「可口可樂」大規模推出各系列產品限量包裝,除易開罐換上新裝外,閃耀奪目的「可口可樂」「閃亮瓶」也帶給粉絲無限驚喜,並在各大通路陸續推出一系列玻璃瓶,讓粉絲們引頸期待、再掀蒐藏熱潮。後續更多精采的100週年慶祝活動,也將帶領民眾重溫最經典的暢快滋味! 最近最"Purple Haze" is a song written by Jimi Hendrix and released as the second record single by the Jimi Hendrix Experience on March 17, 1967. As a record chart hit in several countries and the opening number on the Experience's debut American album, it was m...