
Online Fundraising and Nonprofit Marketing | Network for Good Learning Center   "晚上不知道吃什麼"?? 我保證按讚的人沒有一個人真正關心過這個問題Online fundraising ideas and nonprofit marketing guide featuring resources, articles, training, case studies and tips for nonprofit development professionals. ... Free Fundraising Guides Improve your fundraising strategy, get more donors and polish your m...


Nonprofit Resource Network  可藍 她就是在網路上爆紅,甚至因為減肥(自創 - 柳丁減肥法)而紅到日本並被日本媒體封為『台灣減肥魔女』的 可藍!! 從85kg到 50kg,你相信這是以前得她嗎? 本名:魏瑊 三圍:34E 25 36 身高:171 生日:1987-10-06 血型:O 可藍粉絲團、可藍無名June 15, 2015 NRN Hosts ExtraGive Tech Talk Series Trainings will offer tools, resources, and skill sets to enhance the impact of Extraordinary Give. Trainings will highlight best practices in nonprofit communication [more]...


NorthSky Nonprofit Network - Home | NorthSky Nonprofit Network 二月,是一個令台灣人民瘋狂的月份,因為繼王建民、曾雅妮、郭泓志之後,又一個「台灣之光」在體壇發光發熱,不僅在全美造成了一股超級旋風,重振了NBA職籃的聲勢,同時也讓全球媒體爭相追逐、廠商搶破頭力邀代言,甚至還出現了因他而起的英文單字「Linsenity」,沒錯!他就是「林書豪」。 &nbTwo workshops are slated for early July on upcoming grant opportunities with the Michigan Council for Arts minigrant program. NorthSky Nonprofit Network is the regranting agency for the MCACA minigrant program in Region 2 (Antrim, Benzie, Charlevoix, Emme...


Pillar Nonprofit Network  如果,我告訴你,10年後你將找不到實體商店,你相信嗎?   麗莎‧甘絲琪,一位全球網路導航器和多家網路公司的創辦人兼總裁,出了一本書在述說著這樣的未來。這絕對不是道聽塗說,更非危言聳聽,網路日益發達的現今,無論是上班族、學生、家庭主婦,每天無論時間的多寡,一定都會在網路的世界Online virtual volunteer network includes volunteer opportunities, training and resource materials, links to nonprofit sector research, special events and related resources....
