
Lymphoma? groin, arpmit, neck pain - Leukemia & Lymphoma - MedHelp 你給我過來洗澡~~~(拖~~The lymph glands in the neck can be from your teeth, but not the underarms and groin. You could possibly have an infection - mono? cat scratch? Symptoms of lymphoma are itching, weight loss, night sweats, fatigue. My blood tests were perfect and I was ......


Small moveable lump in neck - Leukemia & Lymphoma - MedHelp 看吧!我可沒騙你,果然夠"驢"吧!!I am a 20 yr old female. In December I noticed that I had two small moveable lumps in my neck. At the same time, I had a pretty decent cold. The lumps have not changed in size, and I can move them free... ... Yes, you are correct that lymphoma can occur i...


lump under chin/neck - Lymphoma - Hodgkin's and Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma Forum - Cancer Forums 驚!!!I am 19 years old and i have a fairly sized lump under my chin/on my neck. It has been there for 2 weeks now. I initially got it checked out by a nurse who said it was not a swollen gland because it was too far up my neck, she then got a second opinion an...


Swollen Lymph Nodes in Neck. Cancer? - Lymphoma - Hodgkin's and Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma Forum - Cance 有沒有那麼懶阿!!!XDHi I'm a 21 year old male and I have a few swollen lymph nodes on both sides of my neck. I first discovered a swollen gland last July/August on the left side of my neck. I went to see a doctor who asked a bunch of questions and then preceeded to get blood...


Extranodal lymphoma of the head and neck: A 67-case series 據說是真實故事!The present study sought to describe clinical presentation in extranodal lymphoma of the head and neck (ELHN), with the aim of improving diagnostic management.A ... The most frequent histologic type was DLBCL, a high-grade B-cell lymphoma (n = 36). MALT B...


認識惡性淋巴瘤 - 台灣健康資訊網-華語健康資訊入口網站 也太方便了吧!前 言 惡性淋巴瘤,又稱為淋巴癌,是源自於淋巴細胞的異常惡化增生,即淋巴組織所發生的癌病。它可大分為非何杰金氏淋巴瘤(non-Hodgkin,s lymphoma,簡稱NHL)及何杰金氏淋巴瘤(Hodgkin,s lymphoma)兩種。...
