貴婦級惡霸 TopCar Mini Cooper S Bully
Faculty of Business and Economics - HKU俄羅斯知名公司TopCar公開最新改裝作品:Mini Cooper S Bully,命名「Bully」意為惡霸。這次不僅將Mini的外觀變裝成獨特侵略的霸氣之外,更在內裝採用貴婦級的質感裝備。擁有全新前保桿總成、前後葉子鈑、兩片式車身側裙、鋁製水箱護罩和全新後保桿總成含分流器,還提供Remus大口徑IMPORTANT POINTS TO NOTE Fill in all required fields *. Please make sure all the above personal data is correct and you are strongly encouraged to notify the Faculty of Business and Economics of The University of Hong Kong via email: fbealumni@hku.hk if t...