經典鞋款搭上迷彩 Converse Japan All Star Jacquard Camo 系列作
Hong Kong Observatory-Official Authority For Hong Kong Weather Forecast 香港天文台-香港的官方天氣預報部門 經典百年品牌 Converse,日本支線Converse Japan 帶來最新 Jacquard Camo 系列鞋款,提供不同於原本鞋款的素面設計,以彷舊感的迷彩布料為主要材質設定,多種配色輕易穿出潮流時尚風,迷彩還是2014年必備的流行元素。 【本文出處,更多精采內容請上wwThe Hong Kong Observatory is a government department responsible for forecasting weather and issuing warnings on weather-related hazards. The Observatory also monitors and assesses radiation levels in Hong Kong, and provides other meteorological and ......