Fiona Fung馮曦妤 - Forever Friend - YouTube核心提示 76歲的老人Bob在病危之際,病房裡疑似出現了一個鬼魂般的女子,在床邊為其禱告。沒想到,老人的身體奇蹟般地康復了,他將那個幽靈叫做「守護天使」。 圖:注意圈內的「幽靈女子」 據英國鏡報報導,今年76歲的Ailing Bob Large被醫生告知,他的膀胱癌和腎衰I know her since I've listened her song: Proud of you. I found that her voice is sounds of nature. Enjoy it! Here are the lyrics: I believe I can love You give me your loving care I believe in what we are I don't know where I......