麗池卡登 ritz-carlton

Luxury Hotels & Resorts | Escape to Luxurious Hotels by The Ritz-Carlton不用喊了啦,這裡又不是草原...XDDD Discover The Ritz-Carlton luxury hotels and resorts in the world’s premier destinations. Our luxury resorts and hotels deliver unmatched experiences with lavish guest rooms offering supreme comfort, impeccable service and exclusive amenities....


飯店介紹 - 迷戀巴里島不然可能就起不來了... 麗 池 卡 登 Ritz Carlton 麗池卡登與洲際飯店相比鄰,同擁金芭蘭灣最美的景致麗池卡登,就有如其他全球各地享有盛名的麗池卡登一般,充滿了令人讚賞、讚嘆與驚豔的特質。從進入其庭園大門,別有洞天的唯美風潮就此鋪陳;接待大廳旁竹簾織就的布幕 ......


The Ritz-Carlton, Bali    誠意到就好了>0Overlooking the Indian Ocean, situated in Sawangan, Nusa Dua, The Ritz-Carlton, Bali is uniquely situated with a combination of white beach front and elevated cliff top settings. Built on a sprawling 19 hectares of private beach front land, every room has...


[巴里島] 麗池卡登 (Ritz Carlton)。環境。房間。 @ 情迷哈瓦那 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET ::小口點,別噎著了~ 第六天。麗池卡登(Ritz-Carlton,Bali)。 看到這一望無際的印度洋 微微風吹來~久違了~~ 麗池卡登 .....巴里島的麗池卡登一直是我很嚮往的一家飯店。第一次入住就愛上了這裡,籌畫 ......
