網友自稱中邪,他拍出10張照片說身邊東西都像是被「邪靈入侵」?! 6 連鞋子都一臉「邪惡奸笑」!
「Woman In Love」- Tracy Huang 黃鶯鶯 MV經典重溫 - YouTube ▲像是被邪靈入侵的物品。(source : boredpanda,下同) 在我們生活周遭有許多巧合,這些巧合可能會讓人會心一笑,根據boredpanda報導,外國有網友就專門蒐集了一些湊巧長得像人的物品照片,看了會讓人覺得十分有趣,或許你也會發現有這樣的存在。 #1 像是鬼魂的煎蛋 For the benefit of those new to Tracy's songs, here's a brief write-up of my favourite singer: Tracy is indeed a true diva (in Asia) having won numerous accolades during her singing career spanning four decades (yes thats incredible!) Born in Taiwan, she ...