Ramadan begins in Malaysia - timeanddate.com這不是電影「性愛成癮的女人」,但她的確名副其實! 美國肯塔基州北部一所高中的英語老師瓊斯(Sarah Jones),因為和自己的17歲男學生發生多次性行為,去年被依與未成年發生不當性行為、妨害監護權等罪起訴。 高調示愛的瓊斯在法庭上坦承:“我第一眼就愛上了他”,從開學第一天她Ramadan (also known as Ramadhan or Ramzan) is the ninth month in the Islamic calendar. It is a time when Muslims around the world focus on prayer, fasting, giving to charity, and religious devotion. The last third of Ramadan is a particularly holy period,...