First Look: Samsung ATIV Q and its Unreal 3200 x 1800 Screen某天早上,我同學兩人坐在車位上,身旁站著兩位建中男同學,我同學竊聽那兩建中男生的閒聊…A男:唉…你還記得我前幾個禮拜去訂作制服褲嗎?!B男:記得呀!怎樣?!A男:那天我去西門町那訂作呀…老板就在幫我量尺寸ㄇㄟ,他就問我你想打幾折…我心裡就在想第One of the ATIV Q's other unique features is its dual-OS capability. Using virtualization technology, the Q can run both Windows 8 and Android 4.2.2, and there is a key on the keyboard to switch between OS’s on the fly. Unfortunately, Samsung wasn't able ...