China Eastern Airlines 不知道大家有沒有搭過那種老舊大樓裡面的電梯,有些電梯裡面看起來很老舊髒亂,在裡面會有一種很恐慌的感覺,很想要趕快離開!我相信任何人搭上這樣的電梯彷彿幽閉恐懼症上身一樣,渾身不對勁,還是走樓梯為妙吧!你印象中有搭過那些恐怖又詭異的電梯呢! 髒亂無人管理的電梯 這類型的電梯,不知道是大樓都Please fill in your details below. The form will then be emailed to our London office who will contact you to follow up. If you decide to go ahead with your ... China Eastern Airlines fly to more than 151 destinations and operate more than thousand flight...