Grown Ups | Sony Pictures一對剛開始交往的情侶正在聊 天,女生突然有想放屁的感覺 , 但卻不太好意思在男友面前「釋放」,於是便想了一個辦法, 想把「排氣」的聲音掩蓋過去。 女生問男友:「你要不要聽聽我們家鄉布穀鳥的叫聲嗎 ?」男友點點頭, 女生便開始模仿:「咕咕,咕咕,並且乘機把肚子裡的「廢氣」排了出去,」 女生問道:「很特Just because you grow older doesn't mean you have to grow up! Comedy superstars Adam Sandler, Kevin James, Chris Rock, David Spade and Rob Schneider are at their hilarious and outrageous best playing childhood friends who reunite one holiday weekend to .....