Dr. Ro's Fit Kidz - Everything Ro ... You, Livin the Good Life!有一個年輕人去買碗,來到店裡他順手拿起一只碗,然後依次與其它碗輕輕碰擊,碗與碗之間相碰時立即發出沉悶、渾濁的聲響,他失望地搖搖頭。然後去試下一只碗他幾乎挑遍了店裡所有的碗,竟然沒有一只滿意的,就連老闆捧出的自認為是店裡碗中精品也被他搖著頭失望地放回去了。老闆很是納悶,問他老是拿手中的這只碗去碰別的碗Connect Dr. Ro's Fit Kidz Fit Kidz is an exciting new series that empowers kids to take charge of their own health. The show helps kids understand the importance of nutrition and fitness by showing them fun activities and introducing them to a healthy, ne...