Baka-Updates Manga - Apothecarius Argentum既然婚姻到了盡頭,最後一刻還是緬懷一下吧!為了離婚而特地準備的禮物,你最想要哪一種呢?默默覺得最後一個似乎不用結婚也可以買吧! 1、婚戒棺材 為了給你們已經結束的婚姻一個最終的歸宿,WeddingRingCoffin.com正在售賣一種商品,它專門打造了一個存放婚戒的棺材盒,而且顧客還可以選擇自己喜Latest And Newest Manga Release Updates and News. ... it kind of got boring, especially when Argentum started wanting to become normal and went on a trip. After that part, everything went down hill and it got REALLY boring, so I just skimmed through the r...