Finger Tips: Welcome ▲田徑女神!(source: 左:安徽網 / 右:搜狐) 大家好我是云編~ 提到女性運動員,不知道大家心裡浮現的形象是怎麼樣子的?很多人腦中可能會想到肌肉發達、比較不會打扮的女性形象。可是編編在這裡要告訴大家,那都是刻板印象而已!今天就要跟大家分享一位運動場上的田徑女神。根Welcome to our Finger Tips website. Here you can watch clips of the show, find instructions on how to make your own Finger Tips creations and other information about the show. You can even upload photos of things you've made to our very own gallery. Let's...