[超感人 萬人轉載]一個男孩和一個女孩的故事
National Treasure 3 Trailer 情人節前一天男孩收到了女孩即時通的消息;你情人節怎麼過,男孩回答;沒情人怎麼過,要不你陪我結果女孩情人節那天有事情。第2天我們又聊天了,我知道我們見過面還是校友,男孩也沒太在意, 網絡啊也就是那樣,後來我知道我們還在同個城市,男孩就叫她出來玩,也許是老天的安排,我們聊天手機發現我們原來在同個超市購Walt Disney may not have intended to make a movie franchise out of National Treasure, but one may understand the temptation to make National Treasure 3 following the success of the first two films. The idea of a third movie is also interesting because Ben...