驚悚!把攝影機放進嘴巴會拍到什麼畫面?!【極危險 請勿模仿】 貝克大叔
Indiana Jones Wiki - Raiders of the Lost Ark, Temple of Doom, Last Crusade, Kingdom of the Crystal S驚悚!把攝影機放進嘴巴會拍到什麼畫面?!【極危險,請勿模仿】 貝克大叔對手機攝影很癡迷,對手機攝影器材都有興趣,這次在網路上看到「手機+內窺鏡頭」,忍不住好奇心就買了!拿到了內窺鏡頭做了各種實驗,包括:放到洗手槽、陰暗桌子下找錢幣,還深入到下水溝冒險...不知道會不會拍到都市傳說的畫面...最後實驗Indiana Jones Wiki is a database that anyone can edit about the Indiana Jones movies, TV shows and merchandise. ... The Indiana Jones Wiki is an online encyclopedia that anyone can edit, based on the Indiana Jones saga created by George Lucas. This site ....