愛情十大禁忌 下
Indiana Jones Wiki - Raiders of the Lost Ark, Temple of Doom, Last Crusade, Kingdom of the Crystal S 愛情禁忌六:不要逞強很多人交男朋友或女朋友都喜歡炫耀,只是為了要找個帥哥或是美女出門,想說這樣比較好看,但如果兩個人的觀念和習性相差很多,那再帥再美都沒什麼用,還不如早點分手比較好,因為炫耀只是一時的,無法一輩子相處下去,終究還是要面對現實面的東西。 愛情禁忌七:不要對愛人期望過高通Indiana Jones Wiki is a database that anyone can edit about the Indiana Jones movies, TV shows and merchandise. ... The Indiana Jones Wiki is an online encyclopedia that anyone can edit, based on the Indiana Jones saga created by George Lucas. This site ....