中國文學史精選片段 (History of Chinese Literature Highlights w/ Eng Sub) - YouTube (翻攝自Dcard) 對於另一半的花錢無度,相信這是很多男孩心裡的痛, 常常還沒到月底,自己的錢就被女友花光了... 小編身邊就有這種超好的好好先生, 女友說什麼通通都說"好" 女友吃好穿好用好,結果他整天吃泡麵度日,衣服也都穿那幾件, 用物質建立的愛情...個人非常不看好... 但看Professor Li-chuan Ou, Department of Chinese Literature, NTU This course starts from ancient mythology, following the main historical trends in the development of Chinese literature. We talk about the literary activities of the pre-Qin, Han, Wei, Jin, Sui...