Language Fun - CBB - Common English Questions (英文常見問題) - 學長, 學姊, 學弟妹 美國國土面積廣袤,有許多杳無人跡的地方,常發生駭人聽聞之事。近期就有一部美國電影《美國羅曼死》(英文片名:American Romance),描述一對年輕的新婚夫妻在渡蜜月過程中竟來到一個發生一連串謀殺案的小鎮,並身不由己的被捲入案件之中。《美國羅曼死》由曾演出《X戰警:最後戰役》中「靈蝶」一角的Hello all: How can we say 學長, 學姊, 學弟妹 in Egnlish? I really dont know how to say it in English correctly. But I will tell others that "We studied at the same school and She is a senior , I am a junior in college. People may tell some signles from my words....