Language Fun - CBB - Common English Questions (英文常見問題) - 學長, 學姊, 學弟妹上千年曆史的中華民族至今,保留了很多優良傳統勤勞、樸實、勇敢等等。帶著一身優點的華人到了美國,卻與美國文化擦出絢爛的火花,今天給大家講幾個中西文化碰撞擦出的奇葩之火。 以下列出五大老外眼中華人最奇葩的習慣: ▌第一名:進屋要脫鞋 Hello all: How can we say 學長, 學姊, 學弟妹 in Egnlish? I really dont know how to say it in English correctly. But I will tell others that "We studied at the same school and She is a senior , I am a junior in college. People may tell some signles from my words....