型男度假也要潮 SOPHNET. 2014春夏系列型錄
ANKO Food Machine and Bread Processing Making Machine | ANKO FOOD MACHINE CO., LTD. 各大品牌最新2014春夏系列紛紛推出,擁有強烈潮流特色的SOPHNET. 也不例外,在最新一季當中讓型男們在休閒之中依舊帥氣,充滿度假氛圍的特色加入熟男必備的襯衫西服元素,不同的花朵印花也帶來不同氣氛,穿搭參考必看。 【本文出處,更多精采內容請上www.JUKSY.com;JUKSY官方粉絲團。如Your Best Choice of Food and Bread Processing Turnkey Project Provider!. ANKO began by selling frozen food processing equipment . We owns 70% of the frozen food processing equipment market in Taiwan and has also sold them to more than 106 countries....