Brooklyn Beckham Has 1 Million Instagram Followers in Video with David Beckham : People.com 一名荷蘭正妹莎賓 Sabine,接受當地電台的邀請,自願挑戰以爭取學費,而她的挑戰就是目前當紅的冰桶挑戰,但這還不稀奇,在冰桶挑戰之前她還要先在阿姆斯特丹的廣場上裸奔,隨後再來淋冰水,膽子相當之大的 Sabine,最後也完成挑戰,只能說相當勇敢阿。 就是這位正妹、莎賓 Sabine。 參It was his mom Victoria Beckham's 41st birthday, but Brooklyn Beckham had another reason to celebrate on Friday, when he officially hit one million followers on Instagram. The model, aspiring soccer player and coolest 16-year-old on the planet took to the...