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Annapolis (2006) - IMDb Images Source: 699pic 公魯蛇逆轉勝照過來! 妳有過這樣的經驗嗎?看到男生無意間展現某種強項,瞬間怦然心動,忍不住盯著他看,然後越看越順眼,久而久之產生景仰、崇拜的感覺,甚至興起想交往的念頭!如果妳有,那麼別懷疑,妳正式被圈粉Directed by Justin Lin. With James Franco, Jordana Brewster, Tyrese Gibson, Donnie Wahlberg. Set against the backdrop of boxing at the Naval Academy, centers on a young man from the wrong side of the tracks whose dream of attending Annapolis becomes a ......