凡夫非俗子Volvo S60 T5 R-Design 上
Mr. Bean - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia對於大部分的消費者來說,要買一部豪車代步,或許並非唾手之事,總得勒緊褲帶考慮再三,畢竟你我都是再簡單不過的凡夫俗子,但是今天我們所試駕的Volvo S60 T5 R-Design可不是這樣認為,它和你我一樣有著相對平凡的身價,但卻非等閒俗人,懷揣一身本領,想要成為打破僵局的瑞典程咬金,並期許你我都能Mr. Bean is a British television programme series of fourteen 25-minute episodes written by Robin Driscoll and starring Rowan Atkinson as the title character. Different episodes were also written by Robin Driscoll and Richard Curtis, and one by Ben Elton....