未完待續的平凡相依──鬼鬼x玉澤演@我們結婚了國際版 EP9(含花絮) | 孤讀者的航行台視新八點檔大戲《情•份》劇組演員日前抽空參與愛心捐血活動,演員羅時豐率年輕演員黃露瑤、巫宗翰、程雅晨上街招募熱血,羅時豐分享起過去曾經成功捐血,事後卻通知不能使用的傷心回憶:「曾經捐過一次,後來檢驗後被通知血太濃不能用,怕害到別人,後來就都沒去過了。」。 年輕演員們則是躍躍欲試想盡一份心Our relationship has gone to a phase where we are always there for each other. And whenever the other person is feeling down or you know humiliated in front of the other person, we're very happy. It's what like, you know... I don't know, Tom and Jerry... ...