Firefox — The "speed king" - The fastest browser on the Web — Mozilla 圖toments 恐怖奪魂聖誕節! 12月25日凌晨3點20分左右,家住海口水岸陽光小區的葉先生返回小區,乘坐電梯上樓時被困在電梯內,因手機沒有信號,同時按電梯內的報警鈴也無人搭理,葉先生被困在電梯內近三小時。 當天上午6點10分左右,聞訊趕來的保安將電梯* Based on Tom’s Hardware Web Browser Grand Prix XVI results. The “speed king” Firefox outperformed other browsers in recent independent tests to be named the “speed king.” So you can browse with confidence with the fastest on the Web....