以光融和 人文與自然的完美結合│尤物雜誌
龐克‧文藝復興 | Hail to the Quiffwords by 尤物photos by 強振國 styling by 許宜惠model:Patty 天氣冷到不行的11月天,以及陰霾的天空,各種自然因素考驗著攝影師與Model的能耐,但是,人不應該是與大自然對抗,而是要融入其中,回歸自然,找回真純,此次的拍攝就是最好的例子。 處在都市叢林的我們,I’d like to know where did you get the data for this passage: did you mix the foreign or domestic resources or you just depict your feeling about Punk? If it’s the former, I will be so appreciate for you offering the websites that I’ll have deeper relizat...