易卜生 建築師

Henrik Ibsen - imagi-nation.com有四個人坐在飛機上突然飛機失控了但是機艙只有三個降落傘此時,一個人拿了一個降落傘說:我是醫生!我還有很多病人要救!!然後就跳下去了第二個人看到之後,也搶走一個降落傘說:我是律師!我還有很多重要的官司要打!!!!然後也跳下去了飛機上只剩一個老人跟年輕人老人說: 不用急﹐我有辦法。飛機經過某湖時﹐老人突Biography of Norwegian dramatist Henrik Ibsen--plus links to all of his works currently in print. ... This often misunderstood Norwegian playwright once remarked, "With pleasure I will torpedo the ark." As a young writer, he was discontent with everything...


Rudolph Schindler (architect) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia會錯意(一) 下午coffee time,總經理走近四個女同事旁,“美麗小姐兒們,要不要猜謎啊?嘻嘻……好啦注意聽,猜人身上的東西:上面有毛,下面也有毛,晚上就來個毛對毛。”“唉呀呀,總經理好色,人家不來了啦!”&ldquoRudolph Michael Schindler (born Rudolf Michael Schindler (1887 Vienna - 1953 Los Angeles) was Austrian-born American architect whose most important works were built in or near Los Angeles during the early to mid-twentieth century. Although he worked and t...


AIBC eNews | AIBC eNews beta話說一堆閒來無事的老女人,談話的內容總是圍繞在男人的身上。有一天她們突發奇想,說要給男人的XX給取個小名,讓以後交談時方便使用。大家一致通過這點子。結果愛吃零食的 Ami 首先發難Ami 說:「男人的XX就是『口香糖』」大家問:「為什麼?」Ami 答:「使用前是直的,使用後是縮成一團的。」大家笑成一Site Tour – Robert H. Lee Alumni Centre WOMEN IN ARCHITECTURE – Vancouver Tuesday, September 16, 2014 from 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm REGISTRATION WILL BEGIN ON SEPTEMBER 1st. The development of the University Boulevard neighbourhood is intended ......


The Master Builder, by Henrik Ibsen - Free ebooks - Project Gutenberg 軍中趣事 [轉錄]明德電瘋站這是我們一個教官跟我們說他以前入伍時發生的事...在他們那剛入伍的時候...他們統稱教育班長為"魔鬼筋肉人"....在他們第一次進餐廳用餐時...看到今天中午的水果是香蕉...哇..好興奮...因為香蕉很好吃ㄚ...所以就趕快把飯菜扒光..把香蕉剝ㄌ吃..正當CHARACTERS. HALVARD SOLNESS, Master Builder. ALINE SOLNESS, his wife. DOCTOR HERDAL, physician. KNUT BROVIK, formerly an architect, now in SOLNESS'S employment. RAGNAR BROVIK, his son, draughtsman. KAIA BROVIK, his niece ......


Joseph Eichler - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia性診所求診??一對同是47歲的伴侶到性診所求診 . 醫生問:有什麼問題嗎? 男士回答道:你願意觀看我們做愛嗎? 醫生雖然覺得有點困惑 ,仍然答應了 完事後,醫生說道你們做的很好啊,沒有什問題.收了他們$32美金的診療費.爾後數星期這對男女又陸陸續續來看診了好幾Joseph Eichler (1900–1974) was a 20th-century post-war U.S. American real estate developer known for developing distinctive residential subdivisions of Mid-Century modern style tract housing in California, United States. He was one of the influential advo...


Reviews of “Calvary” and “A Master Builder”離婚的原因 老張結婚二十年,最近居然決定 和 太太離婚,因為太太一生氣起來就會用盤子丟他。 他的朋友都勸他:「這麼多年都忍過去了,何必現在要離婚呢?」 老張無奈的說:「我實在受不了啦,因為她的盤子越丟越準了!」Anthony Lane on Brendan Gleeson’s new movie, “Calvary," which plunges us into the guts of a moral crisis, and “A Master Builder,” based on the Henrik Ibsen play. ... To get to Strongbox and begin using it to contact writers and editors at The New Yorker, ...
