別以為韓系車都是低檔貨,這款車比什麼賓士 BMW 保時捷還要貴!
Featured // - StarWars.com | Star Wars: Episode VII, Star Wars Rebels & Game在很多人的心目裡,諸如現代、起亞等韓系車往往都是偏向於比較低端的品牌象徵,哪怕是索納塔、K5等中高級別的車型,很多時候甚至還因為性價比高,而落得與邁銳寶合稱為“屌絲三寶”的下場。但是,如果你粗暴簡單地認為韓系車都是低端車型那就錯了!以下這款車,完全可以壓倒普通爛大街的寶馬5、Get a first look at Star Wars Commander, a new strategy combat game coming to iOS devices! Choose a side in the Galactic Civil War: take over the galaxy as the Empire, or command Rebel heroes to restore freedom. Which side will you fight for?...