DAVID COOK LYRICS - Lie - AZLyrics - Song Lyrics from A to Z 自拍不見得一定都得由上往下 45 度角拍攝,也不用用力睁大眼睛、嘟嘴、瞪眼、托下巴、斜肩式、鴨子嘴、露乳溝、秀美腿的~只要願意扮醜,人人都可以拍出有趣、好玩又搞怪的自拍照!今天就一起來看看外國正妹的「自拍醜照」能有多醜吧~ 自拍醜照 ▼原本有點鵝蛋臉的正妹怎麼變成了四下巴的腫腫臉阿!? ▼正妹不適Lyrics to "Lie" song by DAVID COOK: You whispered that you were getting tired, Got a look in your eye, Looks a lot like goodbye. Hold... ... You whispered that you were getting tired, Got a look in your eye, Looks a lot like goodbye. Hold on to your secre...