Burj Al Arab Jumeirah - Stay at The Most Luxurious Hotel in The World 美麗的某小姐有一個不太好的習慣,就是喜歡放屁。 一天,這位小姐要搭公車上班, 身邊照例有數位熱情的追求者尾隨在她後面, 上了車沒多久,小姐的老毛病就忍不住犯了, 身邊一位男士很機警馬上大聲說"是我放的" 可是沒過多久,小姐Burj Al Arab Jumeirah The distinctive sail-shaped silhouette of Burj Al Arab Jumeirah is more than just a stunning hotel, it is a symbol of modern Dubai. Yet for all the wonder this stunning structure provides when you finally see it in person, it is the ...