Toshiba Excite 13 review - CNET - Product reviews and prices, software downloads, and tech news (source:爆料公社) 大家還記得曾經紅遍全台灣的屁孩四人組,合稱「台灣四狂」嗎? 如今台灣四狂裡的「西狂紅龍」終於長大了,他特地現身在爆料公社,想對大家說一些話。 他說:「從以前到現在的我,差好多。我也不知道為何當時這麼白痴 ,去拍這些無聊的照片,成為大家的笑柄...然後又在加The Good The Toshiba Excite 13 has a zippy quad-core processor and a front-facing camera that features a handful of photo and recording options, and it ships with Android 4.0. The Bad The Excite 13's mammoth screen makes it cumbersome to maneuver, and it ...