Kate Moss
Butterfly Lovers Violin Concerto 1st 梁祝小提琴協奏曲:第一樂章 - YouTube NAME: Kate Moss NATIONALITY: BritishHEIGHT: 5'6" - 5'7" depending on who you ask.MEASUREMENTS: 33-23-35WEIGHT: 105 lbsHAIR: Light 作曲:陳綱、何占豪 Composed by Chen Gang, He Zhan-hao in 1959 小提琴:呂思清Violin by Lu Si-Qing The winner of the International Paganini Violin Competition in 1987 譚利華指揮北京中央樂團 呂思清1969年11月出生於青島,他4歲隨父親及叔父學習小提琴,8歲被中央音樂學 院......