全美四大新銳男裝設計師操刀,GAP ×《GQ》2014 限量聯名系列上市
Gamania Corporation今年是 GAP 與《GQ》聯名男裝系列的第三年,雙方也在日前正式放出 lookbook。延續一貫的合作方式,此次的聯名系列由《GQ》在全美挑選出的四位最佳新銳男裝設計師操刀,帶來 4 組不同風格的服飾,分別展現了美式休閒時尚、街頭文化、沖浪運動與傳統制衣工藝,材質與款型方面也提供了豐富選擇,讓粉絲們Product / Online Games Dream Drops The people fall are drawn into a deep sleep, as if it were a whirlpool. When they dream, fairy tales come to life! But in Dream Drops, everything has become distorted: Snow White is no longer sweet and Pinocchio has beco...