吳鶯音 - 大地回春 - Wu Yingyin - Spring Returns To The Earth - YouTube 你有過去唱KTV時,不小心把別人正在唱的歌給切掉的經驗嗎?如果你切的是朋友的歌就算了,但如果你切到的是老闆在唱的歌,該怎麼辦才好呢?一名遇到這樣窘況的網友,竟然就靠著一句話的機智反應,不只順利化解了危機,還順勢拍了老闆馬屁。 一名網友在臉書「爆廢公社」貼文表示,日前和公司的人去唱歌,卻不小心在老闆Description, Chinese, and English lyrics. Wu Yingyin (1922-2009) From the tempo and march style, this song seems to celebrate the end of World War II. Spring returning to the Earth means peace and normalcy returns to Earth. Recorded in 1947, this song ill...