
Bill Gates has an IQ of 160 - What is Bill Gates IQ?                                     授權來源:少女兔   &nBill Gates has an IQ of 160 which is classified as very superior intelligence. Bill is also a businessman, investor, programmer, inventor and philanthropist. Kids IQ Test Center Home Sitemap Contact Popular Pages The IQ of Famous People Famous SAT Scores...


What is your IQ, Sir? NDTV.com surfer asks Bill Gates - YouTube 話說,如果你是一位「空中飛人」,經常來往於各大城市的機場,你肯定明白,登機前長時間的等待,有時候還會出現延誤或者取消航班的情況,有多麼糟心,簡直令人精疲力竭...   然而,Boredpanda最近分享了一波充滿創意的機場和航空公司, 在那裡,你不僅不用忍受枯燥的等待,還能發現不少能有效Four of the Qs you posted for Bill Gates are answered right here....


Teen has higher IQ than than Stephen Hawking, Albert Einstein & Bill Gates - YouTube 對於Michael來說,愛讓他重生   他是ins上小有名氣的健身達人     完美身材、帥氣臉龐、性感腹肌 讓他一躍成為最受關注的網紅     然鵝,六年前 邁克還是一個 180斤 的大胖子!     那時,他是個不折不扣的混A brainy teenager has scored an incredible 162 in his IQ test – higher than Stephen Hawking, Albert Einstein and Bill Gates – making him one of the UK’s brightest people. Paulius Zabotkiene, 14, was entered into the Mensa brain test by his eager parents, ...


Boy, 4, has same IQ as Einstein, Bill Gates and Stephen Hawking | Daily Mail Online話說, 最近蘇格蘭發生了一件巨搞笑的事情……   就在前兩天的夜晚,蘇格蘭警方忽然接到了一個驚慌失措的報警電話, 報警者是當地的一個農場主,Bruce Grubb, 他說,有一隻大老虎正在我家農場裡!我快被嚇死了,快來救救我吧!   什麼?老虎?你說的At the age of four, he's already been made a member of Mensa and achieved fame for his intellect. But that wasn't enough for Sherwyn Sarabi, who is now being compared to Albert Einstein, Bill Gates and Stephen Hawking after recording an IQ score of 160. T...


看看世界名人的IQ智商有多高?【上】 @ Sharon's 燕巢 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET ::文/里比  在愛情裡,熱戀就像必修課,吵架則是選修課。每對情侶對於熱戀的這門課樂此不疲,卻對於吵架避之唯恐不及,好像只要開始吵架就會面臨分手。年輕的時候我們談戀愛,不懂得解決問題,只要一遇到磨合,腦中便會開始出現千百個小劇本,若是男生不聽你的話,你就會覺得他一輩子都不受妳控制;若是男生不小Daily Mail(英國的每日郵報)有一篇關於好萊塢明星IQ的報導,但中文報紙上只列出了幾人,如莎朗史東、阿諾.史瓦辛格…等,我並沒找到這份資料,但因好奇心找到另 ......


IQ Facts and IQ of Famous People - College Study Tips - Study Skills, Guides and Strategies話說, 今天要說的主人公是她 Charlotte Guy,17歲,來自英國威根市,   她年輕漂亮,性格活潑,家庭和睦,有不少朋友,還有一個疼愛她的男友, 平日裡,她在St John Rigby大學學習醫療保健,前途也是一片光明…… 但是就是這樣一個可愛的女孩子An intelligence quotient, or IQ, is a score derived from one of several standardized tests designed to assess intelligence. The abbreviation “IQ” comes from the German term Intelligenz-Quotient, originally coined by psychologist William Stern. IQ scores a...
