Rockman X8 (Japan) ISO < PS2 ISOs | Emuparadise 話說,以色列是世界上唯一對女性普遍實行義務兵役制的國家。 在這裡,不管是男人還是女人,到了指定的年齡都必須要服兵役。 神奇女俠蓋加朵也曾經有過軍營生活, 也正是因為這種特殊的兵役制度, 以色利軍隊的畫風跟其他國家都不太一樣&heMega Man X8 removes many of the elements that were not well received in X7 and attempts to capture the feel of older Mega Man X games, while retaining a 3D appearance. ... If you'd like to nominate Rockman X8 (Japan) for Retro Game of the Day, please subm...