THE OFFICIAL SITE OF THE LOS ANGELES LAKERS 是美國女生Chrissy Chambers永遠不會忘記的一天。 當時,她正在拉斯維加斯,和女友Bria Kam一起錄製唱片, 回首過去的一年,通過不懈努力,她倆成為了Youtube上最受歡迎的女同視頻博主之一, 就在前一天,她們新發布的視頻點擊率正在急劇飆升,轉眼就過了50W, &nUpon returning to Los Angeles from a family trip to Europe, Kobe Bryant took the practice court at the team's facility in El Segundo at 7 a.m. for a two-hour basketball work out on Monday morning with "no restrictions other than what his body would limit...