OUTERSPACE x Candies 身陷桃色風爆 潮流人的手機怎麼能不潮
Beauregard Guitars Montreal Guitar Builder - luthier 沒錯!OUTERSPACE這次找來手機殼界的甜心代表Candies!繼首款黑色手槍推出製造出強大話題後,今年更限量推出同款HOT PINK限量色,專為女孩們打造螢光桃紅,今年各大精品品牌CHANEL、PRADA、HERMES、YSL、Ferragamo都紛紛推出桃紅色限量單品,繼秋冬一片黑之後桃紅Mario Beauregard, presently a one-man operation in the small town of St-Denis-sur-Richelieu near Montreal, Quebec and continue to act as a consultant in the industry. ... Beauregard guitars are 100% handcrafted in a small shop near Montréal, Québec, in th...