Torchic - Pixelmon Wiki - Pixelmon Mod News空姐代表了一家航空公司的形象,一位有氣質長相甜美的正妹空姐,絕對對這家航空公司有加分,同時也讓乘客們賞心悅目, 今天就有網友在批踢踢PO文分享了一位 要去當空姐的正妹,這位正妹是他instagram看到的,覺得超正,這位正妹的照片一經PO上表特版,就有網友給出了這樣的評價:「今天表特水準Torchic is a Fire-type starter Pokémon that evolves into Combusken at level 16. Torchic is a small chick Pokémon with stubby downy yellow wings and three toes on each of its feet. A fire burns inside Torchic so it feels very warm to hug. It launches fireb...