Bigfoot Evidence: Robert Lindsay: A Photo of The Bigfoot Steak From The Sierra Kills Location 網友aBiMiMiMi在批踢踢表特版PO文: [正妹] 出賣年輕時候的媽媽~~~~ 因為媽媽一直說她年輕的時候很美我才不相信咧於是就跑去阿嬤家翻舊照片然後翻到了下面兩張↓ (手機翻拍請見諒orz) 媽媽:你看我很美吧~~~~~ 同場加映媽媽的基因來源 超帥的阿公 和超可愛的阿嬤 拜託大家Here it is, ladies and gentlemen. The photo of the Bigfoot steak taken from the Sierra Kills location, courtesy of Robert Lindsay: "A photograph of the actual Bigfoot steak, or slice of Bigfoot, from the same incident. This is the first photograph ever of...