It’s your Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary這14個答案是網友發表的,給大家參考,剩下3個成謎… 1. 《死神》 => 刀。2.《神奇寶貝》 => 皮卡丘。3. 《數碼寶貝》 => 護目鏡。4.《遊戲王》 => 項鍊。5. 《七龍珠》 => 臉。6. 《航海王》 => 帽子。7. 《SOUL EATER》(噬魂者) =NEW for 2015 Welcome to our new-look website, home of the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, 9th edition! What’s new? 900 new words, for example photobomb new usage notes, for example Express Yourself new features, like My Wordlists Get Premium...